Sami Yusuf, The British Muslim Musician & Artist

December 1, 2007 at 6:32 pm 6 comments

Sami Yusuf is a British composer/singer/musician who was born in July 1980. He was born into a musical family, thus music played an integral part in his life.sami1.jpg

Sami learnt to play several instruments at a very young age and gradually began to show a keen interest in singing and composing. He studied music at several institutions and with renowned composers and musicians including composers from the Royal Academy of Music in London, one of the world most prestigious music institutions.

Sami has been composing from a very young age and his beautiful voice is supplemented by his extensive knowledge of music theory and harmony. He has also a good understanding of the Middle Eastern modes (or Maqams).

Sami is also a devout practicing Muslim who sees songs as a means of promoting the message of Islam and encouraging the youth to be proud of their religion and identity.

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Asma Allah Selalu Menggetarkan Hati Mother, Please Forgive Me

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. agusnaim  |  December 7, 2007 at 9:32 am

    I just have one question… (pake indo aja ya, english-ku cekak)
    Kenapa (artis) muslim yang lahir sebagai minoritas (ie. UK) keliatannya bagus banget memegang agama mereka, tapi (artis) yang lahir sebagai mayoritas (seperti di negeri kita tercinta ini) kadang malah awut-awutan đŸ˜¦

  • 2. Jonnie  |  March 14, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Dear Sami,
    I am an Irish poet, as I am sure you are aware – there is a statue of liberty on the east coast of America – but there is no statue of Responsibility on the West coast – would you consider an album with the proceeds going to build such a statue?
    Currently there are limited means of expressing to America our peaceful concerns over the ongoing cycle of war,
    best wishes,

  • 3. ATI  |  August 21, 2008 at 1:31 am

    Dear sami,
    im an iranian girl..actually im one of your fan here .i wanna know whats your parents nationality. i have heard you are also iranianfrom your grand parents sides.
    let me know as son as possible
    the best luck

  • 4. Ganimete Jusufi  |  December 19, 2008 at 2:57 pm

    Selam Alejkum jeni shum njeri i mir,All-llahu ju ndihmoft gjithmon, veq le te vazhdon keshtu se shum mir eshte,All-llahu ju shperbleft
    Inshalla te gjithe muslimanet jemi banor te Xhennetit(Amin)…

  • 5. sabrije  |  March 16, 2009 at 9:10 am

    ja sami i love your song and can i have one of yours cd i am musliman and mey allah bles your day and live buy

  • 6. lina  |  August 31, 2009 at 2:06 am

    I love ur voice and song, just have known about u đŸ™‚ im from indonesia…

    best regards….keep istiqomah


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